06 April 2009

Stuff we have in common: Love of cheerios

So, what do best friends that are a year or under do together? Well, let me show you...

We eat cheerios together.

We hang out at the zoo.

And more cheerios. Man do these boys like to eat!

All I wanna do is... Bicycle!

Philip and I got bikes for each other for Christmas which, of course, meant that we needed some sort of apparatus to put Cole in so we could ride together. We got a little trailer to pull behind us and also a helmet for Cole to wear. He likes riding (and usually falls asleep) when we're moving. When we stop, he is not happy. Here he is in his helmet with Philip. The trailer is behind them.

On our first bike ride we went to the park, where Cole tried out the swings. He LOVED swinging!

(Notice the white knuckled grip he has on that swing!) I foresee many-a-trip to the park in our future.

And we're back... (Radio Flyer)

Our computer has been down for the past several weeks and now we have it back up and running. This means that you will now be inundated with Sheward Family (a/k/a Cole) updates.

Cole got a red radio flyer wagon for his birthday from Grandpa and Grandma and a while ago it was warm enough to take it out for a spin. He loved it.

Allie only sat in the wagon for the photo op. According to the vet, she needs to loose her winter weight so she walked, plus the wagon would have freaked her out and she would have jumped ship anyway.