27 October 2008

Trick or Treat

We took Cole to the Indianapolis Zoo's "Zoo Boo" this weekend. We enjoyed eating his candy. We also enjoyed seeing all the cute little babies in costumes. Cole was a lion and we like that the lion's mane is reminiscent of how Cole's hair stood straight up for the first five months of his life.

Apparently he was a little freaked out when we took him to face off with the real lion. But he's definitely the more cuddly of the two.

We had a great time! It's fun dressing up your kid before they have a say in what they wear. It's so much cuter being a cuddly lion than a power ranger.

20 October 2008

When the frost is on the punkin

Cole is now 8 months old. He's been hitting quite a few milestones. He has pushed two teeth through those bottom gums in the past week and also constantly repeats his first, and only, intelligible word: "Da-Da". He is not a master of the classic crawl yet but he maneuvers himself all over the living room by laying down and sitting up and rolling and sitting and somehow he's all of a sudden pulling on the cord of my laptop before I even notice he's there.
As Halloween approaches, Cole is gearing up to be a little lion. We've been trying to get him to learn to roar but it seems that he'll be the little lion that says dadadadadada. Our little lion will be helping us give out candy to trick or treaters on Halloween night and will also be making appearances at the Irvington Halloween Festival, my office, and the Indianapolis Zoo's "Zoo Boo".