20 March 2008

Your child may be a genius if...

at one month old he can:
a. recite the Periodic Table of Elements
b. speak fluent French
c. ROLL OVER!!!!!

Yes readers. Edwin Cole Sheward, at one month and 2 days of age, has rolled over. On March 18th, 2008, I placed Cole on his stomach in the Pac n' Play and when I looked down, he was on his back. Well, I figured this was a fluke. An anomaly. So I layed him down on his stomach on the floor where he proceeded to roll over onto his back... AGAIN! He did it another time or two and so I called Philip and told him and then decided to let The Wonder Child rest so he could do it when his father got home. Of course, when that happened, he would have none of the rolling over. Such a tease!

The next day, Cole rolled over again several times and was able to do it for Philip. Now, I don't want to brag, but I looked this up and kids aren't supposed to do this until they're like 4-7 months old.

While Cole can recite the Periodic Table of Elements and does speak French fluently, this rolling over thing is impressing the heck out of me.

For those of you who may be skeptical, I'll try to get this phenomenon on video and post it at a later date.

08 March 2008

And then there were three...weeks.

Well folks, we've managed to keep Cole alive and mostly happy for three weeks now. He's very good at being a baby... eating, sleeping, more sleeping, eating, etc. We're also getting the parenting thing down. I mean, we're not ready for the junior high years or anything but we feed him regularly and change him and such. He did ask where babies come from the other day and we've decided to go with the stork angle for now.

We've put new pictures up so you can check out how cute he is. We know, we know, we're pretty shameless about that.



03 March 2008

Cleaning the Kid

Well, Cole is now into his third week with us and we thought we'd give those of you who care a glimpse into one of the only things that Cole gets to do other than eat, sleep and...well, poop. We decided to record giving him a bath because up to this point it has been slightly entertaining because of how much of a fuss he makes. That didn't prove to be very true this time. But, he's cute nonetheless (if we do say so ourselves) so we thought we'd share. Enjoy!